Episode Six: We get ON THE SAME PAGE as Haley Cass

Nobody freak out (Macon is fully freaking out) but sapphic romance wunderkind and genuinely terrific person Haley Cass is in the Podfort today and it’s so much Better than Expected. We discover how In the Long Run being a child with dyslexia helped Haley fall in love with stories, explore how her fanfiction roots helped her become the writer she is today, and discuss Haley’s weirdly healthy approach to using comments and reviews to make her a better writer. After that we talk about the unexpected success of Those Who Wait, following up a phenomenon, and how Haley has using tropes in unexpected ways Down to a Science. We also discuss Haley’s hotly anticipated new book On the Same Page which releases tomorrow (October 24, 2023) and her masterful use of miscommunication in a best friends-to-lovers novel to create tension When You Least Expect It. Finally, good things truly come to Those Who Wait, as we end with a rousing round of Wife-Girlfriend-Bang buddy wherein we get a definitive answer of whether hot southern transplant Charlotte Thompson is a top or bottom. 

Speaking of Charlotte Thompson, you can preorder your very own Charlotte Thompson Has a Southern Accent shirt today and remind everyone their favorite future president has a Southern accent while helping young southern sapphics and other members of the LGBTQIA+ community. $5 from every shirt will be donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s work on protecting LGBTQIA+ youth in the South.

This episode was incredibly fun and also really provided some incredible insight into creating stories that resonate. GET INTO IT.

Haley’s Big 3 Books:

Haley’s Big 3 Albums:

Find Haley: TwitterInstagramPatreon

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Episode Seven: We NERD OUT with Addison Clarke


Episode Five: We LOSE CONTROL with (and over) JJ Arias